Choosing the Right Home

Posted on 06 Aug 2017, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

Choosing the right home is not an easy task. Recently my wife and I went through the process of buying a new home. To say it was challenging would be an understatement! After all, a home is one of the most expensive items that a person invests in during their lifetime … so you want to make sure you get it right. One simply does not want to make an investment of this magnitude only to later experience buyer’s remorse because the unknowns turn out to be unbearable! Beyond the obvious price considerations, the house must have a secure foundation so that it will stand the test of time. There are also location considerations. Is the new home in a community that has good security, opportunities for developing friendships and facilities that can take care of one’s health needs? If one is willing to put this much effort in buying a physical home then should we not spend even more time accepting our heavenly home? If we applied the above five considerations in buying a physical home to our spiritual one how radically would our relationship with God be enhanced?