God Speaks to our Hearts

Posted on 20 Jul 2018, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

God is speaking but are you listening? While we would all like to say, “if God spoke to me I would hear Him,” how often does the noise of this high paced, frantic world we live in drown out the gentle whisper of our Lord? Revved up to 10,000 RPMs, in an attempt to keep up and exceed the performance of all others, has left most Christians with no time to hear the voice of God and develop a living, dynamic relationship with their Savior. When one becomes too busy to read the Bible, meditate and pray; business becomes the unrivaled archenemy of spiritual authenticity and a god to that person! The Psalmist says that we are to be still to know God. The first part of this sermon is going to explain how one can reduce one’s RPMs through journaling, fasting and by practicing silence and solitude. And the last part of this sermon is going to explain how to listen as God speaks directly to a person through the direct promptings of His Spirit.