Jesus our Daily Bread

Posted on 25 Sep 2017, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

Once a month it is traditional for a Baptist church to have communion. We break the bread and partake of the wine so that we might always remember the Lord’s death until He returns (1 Corinthians 11:26). Before I partake in communion I ask God to search my heart and reveal any sin contained therein so that I might confess it and have Him lead me in the way everlasting (Psalms 139:23). Communion is not just a time for me to reflect upon my own life but also to think about the lives of those God has entrusted to me as the shepherd of the church. I can’t help but reflect upon the words of A. W. Tozer who said, “it is a solemn thing, and no small scandal in the kingdom, to see God’s children starving while actually seated at the Fathers table.” How many Christians merely see the Lord’s table as a sacrament to be strictly observed rather than seeing Jesus Christ as the true bead and source of their very lives? Living in this “me generation” it is very difficult to move beyond a preoccupation with one’s own physical, self preservation to become a thirsty, blind beggar asking Christ for a crumb from His table. In this sermon, we are going to review the passage where Jesus says, “He is the bread of life,” in hopes that each of us might reprioritize our lives to seek and find the only bread that can satisfy our soul’s hunger to know our Lord, Saviour and King!