Hidden Treasure?

Posted on 05 Nov 2017, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

What does the kingdom of God mean to you? For those whom are perishing in their sins and no longer think it is worthwhile to retain any knowledge of God (Romans 1:28), the treasures of Scripture or the atoning sacrifice of Christ are of no value (1 Corinthians 1:18) to their depraved minds. So, does being enslaved to sin that so easily entangles a person (Hebrews 12:1) automatically mean that they are without hope of ever being released from the curse of spiritual death (James 1:15)? Praise be to God the answer is NO! Before we were Christians were we not gossips, slanderers, idolaters, arrogant (Romans 1:29) and without understanding of our Saviour and king? Did we not start out our lives pledging allegiance to the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Ephesians 2:2-3) and as a result were on the path of eternal death (Romans 6:23)? YES, we certainly were! Then one day the Spirit revealed to us treasure that cannot fade or spoil (1 Peter 1:4), the kingdom of God. Even though we had to give up all of our carnal desires to accept His gracious gift of salvation we gladly did so! In today’s sermon I want to encourage you to first examine your life to make sure you have obtained this eternal treasure and second to invite others to see the infinite value of being a child of His kingdom.